Huck Fasteners for the Auto Industry

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For decades, Howmet Fastening Systems has been at the forefront of specialty fastener research and development.
Their unrivalled team of top-tier engineers understands exactly how the automotive assembly floor works.
Specialized Howmet products like Enduralum®, Shoulder Bolts, Resistance Spot Rivet (RSR), and new developments in tooling and automation demonstrate Howmet's commitment to advancing fastening solutions for your most challenging automotive assembly applications.

The engineered strength of Howmet products allows for fewer fasteners to secure a joint, saving even more valuable time on the assembly line. Constant evaluation and innovation ensure that products, tools and processes deliverer the most efficient fastening systems available.

Howmet is the leader in fastener innovation, developing highly-effective and unique joining solutions.
Star Fasteners are the UK's largest Huck fastener distributor; for more information call us on +44(0)115 932 4939 or email

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